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Issues in Philosophical Counseling

by Dr. Peter B. Raabe

While my first book Philosophical Counseling: Theory and Practice dealt extensively with the theoretical underpinnings of the practice, the present volume focuses more on application. Some chapters were originally presented as papers at conferences of scholarly societies and associations whose doors were open to the general public, others were published in peer-reviewed professional journals, while still others were written specifically to be instructive to philosophical counselors in active practice. I hope that the easy readability and the largely non-theoretical orientation of these essays will make this book of interest not only to academics and practicing professionals but also to anyone not academically trained in philosophy and, even more importantly, to anyone struggling with the reality of these issues in his or her own personal life. My intention is for this book to fill the huge gap on the bookshelf located between the popular and the academic into which very few contemporary philosophers venture. I hope to show that it is indeed possible to write deeply about serious matters in a non-technical style, and to fill that void between the shallow 'self-help' and simplistic 'New Age' books on the one end, and the arid, abstract, academic philosophy texts on the other. Please bear in mind that philosophical counseling is a new field of practice, despite the fact that it is a revitalization of the original intent behind philosophy as it was stated by the ancients. In putting philosophy to use, Socrates approached the issues of life in his day with a certain amount of skepticism and doubt, deliberately questioning the familiar ways of thinking, and challenging so-called 'common sense' beliefs and popular opinion. With this book I also deliberately question and challenge the familiar ways - including the familiar psychological ways - we have of thinking about issues such as the differences between men and women, the supposed irrationality of the emotions, the use of psychotropic medication, what it means to be normal, the 'value' of a terrible affliction, the meaning of suicide, the interpretation of dreams, and one's duty to oneself. .. ."

Issues in Philosophical Counseling
ISBN: 027597667X
Click here to order

ABC-CLIO Praeger
P.O. Box 1911
Santa Barbara, CA 93116-1911
Tel: 800-368-6868


You can find an independent review of this book at the following link:
Cascade Mental Health Care - Book & Media Reviews.


1. The Man Who Saved The World - But Could Not Save Himself
2. Philosophical Counseling in Brief
3. Experimental Philosophy
4. Clinical Philosophy
5. Counseling and the Café
6. E-mail Counseling
7. Sex and Logic
8. Speaking Like A Woman / Listening Like A Man
9. Rational Passions
10. All Seriousness Aside
11. Medicating the Mind
12. Medicating the Mind: A Second Dose
13. Getting to Normal
14. Celebrating Affliction
15. The Meaning of Life
16. Learning to be Old
17. Suicide as Self-Defense
18. What Does God Have To Do With It?
19. Dream Interpretation
20. Duty to Oneself
21. The Independent Philosopher


Other Books by Dr. Peter Raabe

Philosophical Counseling: Theory and Practice

Philosophical Counseling and the Unconscious

Philosophy's Role in Counseling and Psychotherapy

Women in Philosophical Counseling


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